Sunday, October 10, 2010

I Have Readers...?

Thanks for comments, everyone!

Allie, you are my #1 Fan! Your T-shirt is in the mail. It reads: Funda Funda Funda Funda!

Alex, you are correct on one name - probably the most obvious one since I named that book as one of my fav's on Facebook. But Yo-Yo Ma? Yikes. I'm not that crazy. Um... I guess his parents don't feel the same way though... Side note: I also love the name Ava, but I feel that by the time I have kids, that name will be more common than John, and I just can't have that.

Robbie, I hate you. Just kidding; I'm glad we share such a weird thing in common, I guess. James is the only person I've told about my visual static until now. I tried asking Mom about it once, but her confused response scarred me for life, so I never mentioned it to her again. I like your comment about smoking chocolate. I'm trying to cut back, but I just love that smooth flavor.

Rachel, I'm glad I'm not the only one who walks around town, hoping to stumble upon a corpse or a body part. It's the only reason I even go out of the house sometimes. "What's that, honey? We're out of pears? I better go to the store..." I don't know where 'pears' came from - we never have pears in our house. All the more reason to go grab some, I suppose.

Laura, that could still be your middle name if you wanted!


  1. Oh,ahem- you forgot me.. it's okay- I didn't know I was supposed to comment on EVERYTHING. I guess I will feel free-so prepare yourself. Also, thank you for sharing.


  2. Oh, man, now I'm only third. But I still get to keep the T-shirt, right? If it's in the mail, you can't take it back...

  3. Well, Alissa, as a reader of my blog, you do, in fact, have to comment on everything to make me feel special and valid. I still love you and if it makes you feel better, I like your picture the best.
    Yes, Allie - you can keep the shirt.

  4. Hi Adrienne! I like your pink blog! Glad you enjoyed the zucchini bread. Note to Allie: I'll bake you some favorite bread when you come down for the holidays! : ) Even zucchini bread...if I can find some zucchinis. Aren't you girls proud that I can even spell zucchini?!

    Do I get a T-shirt...?

    Love, Mom

  5. Oops! I forgot the boys in case they check in. OK, Robbie and Alan - I'll also bake you your favorite bread/cookies/whatever, too. Love, Mom : )

  6. Oh, Mom, don't be silly; only the person who posts the first comment gets a shirt. Sorry.
